Wednesday, July 11, 2018

7.5 Sense and Avoid Sensor Selection

Sense and Avoid Sensor Selection
            The realization of commercial operations of small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) within the National Airspace System (NAS) is restricted by archaic manned aircraft operating rules.  One rule in particular, under Title 14 of Code of Federal Regulations (CFRs) §91.113 requires a pilot operating an aircraft to maintain vigilance as to see and avoid other aircraft (FAA, 2004).  At the time of its publication this rule did not account for unmanned operations and was strictly intended to regulate manned aircraft operations.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), by Congressional mandate under the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012, published the Part 107 sUAS operating rules in an effort to promote commercial sUAS operations in the NAS, while offering an alternative means of compliance (AMOC) to manned regulations not previously attainable.  Specific to §91.113 is §107.31 Visual line of sight aircraft operation which states in part…”the remote pilot in command, the visual observer (if one is used), and the person manipulating the flight control of the small unmanned aircraft system must be able to see the unmanned aircraft throughout the entire flight…” (FAA, 2016).  Where this rule introduced a means to access the NAS to conduct commercial operations, it limited those operations to within visual line-of-sight (VLOS) only.
As sUAS operational capabilities continue to be improved, it has become evident that any operations conducted beyond VLOS (BVLOS) would only be allowed on a case-by-case basis and only after the operator presented a BVLOS concept of operations safety case found acceptable by the FAA.  This manner of gaining access to the NAS is proving to be un-sustainable and requires efforts on behalf of the UAS industry and regulators world-wide to develop and recognize acceptable standards and sensory based systems capable of providing an AMOC to current see and avoid requirements.  This research paper offers a promising mitigation referred to as Ground-Based Sense-and-Avoid (GB-SAA) radar technology and how it supports sUAS BVLOS operations.
            Ground-Based Sense-and-Avoid radar technologies allow UAS to operate in U.S or International civil airspace by providing an ELOS to current see-and-avoid regulations (MIT, 2017).  The GBSAA is the only available SAA technological solution certified by the FAA and/or other International regulatory bodies that supports routine UAS operations in civil airspace (MIT, 2017).
            Where onboard payload capacity and adherence to regulated weight restrictions limits sUAS from adding onboard SAA sensors, the GBSAA utilizes mobile ground based and existing FAA radars to identify and track ADS-B compliant aircraft (MIT, 2017).
            SRC, Inc., a research and development corporation located in Syracuse, New York, offers a GBSAA system certified to DO-178 standards and provides operational benefits not realized using typical VLOS solutions:
  • ·       Reliable performance during low-visibility weather and nighttime
  • ·       Expanded operational area
  • ·       Increased operational time ( (SRC, 2018).

SRC’s GBSAA system provides a scalable approach to the many demands of UAS operators capable of 3-d target positioning, > 98% track reliability, high MTBF, fully integrated logistics support, flexible installation options (i.e. tripod/pedestal, rooftop/tower, vehicle mount), flexible power options (i.e. AC grid, generator, or 24 VDC vehicle), unattended remote operation over IP networks and ASTERIX or custom interfaces (SRC, 2018).  Benefits include; low lifecycle costs, ease of mobility and capable of integrating supporting technologies (i.e. cueing of visible/IR camera and ADS-B or secondary surveillance radar) (SRC, 2018).
            International efforts have been realized using a GBSAA system developed by DeTect called Harrier (Figure 1).

Figure 1 DeTect Harrier GBSAA adapted from

Incorporating the latest in Doppler radar technology and real-time web-based displays capable of enhancing an operator’s situational awareness, these systems are deployed through-out regions of Spain and Europe to support wildfire and fire suppression, oil and gas site inspections, aerial survey and extended law enforcement applications during BVLOS operations (Unknown, 2018).
            In May of 2017, the FAAs Center of Excellence for UAS Research published a report, Small UAS Detect and Avoid Requirements Necessary for Limited Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) Operations, the authors of the report (Askelson & Cathey, 2017), outlined the need for and the approach taken in the development of a standardized and globally accepted GBSAA radar system. The report offered the following conclusions:
Focusing on the Safety Risk Management (SRM) pillar of the SMS process, this effort (1) identified hazards related to the operation of sUAS in BVLOS, (2) offered a preliminary risk assessment considering existing controls, and (3) recommended additional controls and mitigations to further reduce risk to the lowest practical level. The risk assessment began with a set of sponsor provided assumptions and limitations. Generally speaking, operations in day, VMC conditions, within Class G and E airspace over other than densely populated areas were considered within scope. These operations were to be limited from the surface to 500 ft. AGL (although flight up to 1000 ft. could be considered), further than 3 miles from an airport or heliport, and within RLOS of a fixed ground-based transmitter. Following its release, several eligibility requirements and conditions of 14 CFR §107 were added to this list of assumptions for consideration as existing controls in the risk assessment.
Hopefully, these efforts to identify and develop AMOCs supporting BVLOS UAS operations will lead to FAA accepted standards and published regulations that will further UAS integration of the NAS.  Further collection and analysis of applicable data will prove this conclusion out.

Askelson, M., & Cathey, H. (2017). Small UAS Detect and Avoid Requirements Necessary for Limited Beyond Visual Line of Sight. ASSURE. Retrieved July 10, 2018, from
FAA. (2004, July 27). Sec. 91.113 Right-of-way rules: Except water operations. Retrieved June 29, 2018, from Code of Federal Regulations:
FAA. (2016, August 29). Sec. 107.31 Visual Line of Sight Aircraft Operation. Retrieved July 10, 2018, from Code of Federal Regulations:
MIT. (2017). Ground-Based Sense-and-Avoid System (GBSAA) for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). Retrieved from R&D 100 Conference:
SRC. (2018). Ground-Based Sense and Avoid Radar System. Retrieved from SRC, Inc.:
Unknown. (2018, May 9). DeTect Installs Ground Based Sense-and-Avoid Radar at Aerodrome in Spain. Retrieved from UAS Vision: